I know I haven't been blogging as much as usual, in fact I've hardly been using the computer.
So, here's a little update with what's been going on around here.

We gave talks at church last week. Ben spoke on Recognizing the Promptings of the Holy Ghost and I spoke on Developing Spirituality. Both talks went well, and I wasn't as nervous as I usually am. Turns out with a baby to keep me busy, I didn't have time to think about it.

My Mom came to visit for a month. Ben and I were spoiled, we could go out anytime we wanted to. I could go shopping during nap. I don't think I did the dishes more than once. She even folded our laundry and picked up toys. Not to mention the fun Eli had playing with her. We were all sad to see her go.
We just had to make sure she didn't try to pack Eli in her suitcase, like someone did to this kid. Luckily with the new luggage restrictions airlines have enforced, she wasn't able to fit him. But believe me, that doesn't mean she didn't want to.

The Cub Scouts are getting ready for summer camp. We're learning skits, making flags and practicing yells. We've also gone on a hike, played dodge ball and made Native American drums. I had no idea there were so many meeting associated with Cub Scouts. After the initial training sessions we just have Den Meetings, Pack Meetings, Committee Meetings and Round table.

My Mom and I went to see a concert. It was a live recording for a radio program called:
"From the Top"They showcase young talent from around the U.S. and we got to hear a great selection of music. The artists were incredible and made it look so easy. It was also fun to be at a live recording, I thought it was funny (but good) they handed out cough drops at the door.

Most of all I've been playing with Eli. This was his idea by the way, I was eating popcorn and when he saw it he ran to the kitchen, grunted and pointed at the
spatula so Daddy would give it to him, then he handed it to me and opened his mouth. I have no idea where he came up with this. It was like he saw the popcorn and thought "Oh, I'll need my
Eli has a bad cold now, so I've been holding him non-stop for a couple of days, we've watched a whole lot of Sesame Street (thank you Tivo).